u Arab
Welcome to , after the WhatsApp Abu Arab golden and red versions and the green WhatsApp Plus became popular, users requested a fourth version of WhatsApp Abu Arab to be installed nextnull to the three versions. The users’ request was met and a new version was developed called WhatsApp Blue APK Pro Or in English, WhatsApp Blue Pro , and it has won a lot of admiration, and a lot of people are using it now. We will mention all the features of WhatsApp Gold Pro and the way to download and update it, as well as how to install it with illustrations, follow the explanation to the other.
Features of WhatsApp Blue Pro
WhatsApp Plus Pro is characterized by very awesome features, and it has been distinguished from the rest of the versions by several features and additions, the most important of which are the explosive text feature or automatic text, the text decoration feature, the feature of group messages for groups or groups, and several other additions that we will mention to you:The most important features of WhatsApp Gold Pro
- Hide appearing and writing
- Hide the reading and receiving health "The Blue Sahih"
- Show the blue health after replying
- Prevent deleting messages
- Prevent deletion of story cases
- Hide that you witnessed the case
- Add video cases with a size greater than 30 seconds
- stop internet from whatsapp
- Switch between using old emojis and facebook for WhatsApp
- Download status cases
- The possibility of deleting messages from both parties at any time you want without a specified period condition
- Hide and lock WhatsApp Blue Pro conversations with a password, a secret number or a pattern
- Themes section contains many wonderful themes in the additions section
- Translate messages and texts to many different languages
- Forward unlimited messages to contacts
- Divide WhatsApp cases longer than 10 minutes easily, organize and display them in an orderly and consecutive manner
- And many other advantages
New Features of WhatsApp Blue Pro
- Adding an automatic reply feature and scheduling messages
- Add a feature to group messages for groups
- Add the VPN proxy feature to unblock calls in some countries
- Add the floating button feature inside the conversations
- Add a notification feature who viewed your status
- Add a notification feature when changing the profile picture
- Add the feature of displaying the messages sent to the group for each member separately and displaying the messages sent by you in the group separately
- Add the night mode feature to WhatsApp
- Many new features have been added
How to install and activate WhatsApp Blue Pro
The easiest way to install WhatsApp in the right way is to first download WhatsApp from the link below the article, specifically by clicking on the word “ Direct Download ” and after downloading WhatsApp Blue Pro we activate the option to install applications from other sources and press install, then we open the application and enter the number and wait until a message is received Download the activation code, then we enter the code and we click on continue, and this is how you have finished installing and activating the download of the old version of the blue WhatsApp .Download file information